OREF/Goldberg Arthritis Research Grant
RFA Release Date - 11/14/2024 LOI Deadline - N/A Application Deadline - 2/13/2025
Grant Details
Provides seed and start-up funding for promising research projects that address issues related to the treatment of arthritis with an emphasis on arthroplasty.
The PI must be a new investigator. A new investigator is classified as an individual who has not received an R01 National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant or its equivalent (e.g., VA, DOD, NSF) in the role of PI. An orthopaedic surgeon principal investigator (PI) must be licensed to practice in the U. S. and be working in an institution in the U.S. A PhD may serve as the principal investigator (PI) and must hold a faculty appointment in an orthopaedic department at an institution in the U.S. A letter from the department chair confirming the appointment is required. A DVM may serve as the PI but must have a primary appointment in an orthopaedic department. Listing an orthopaedic surgeon as the co-principal investigator (Co-PI) is required. A letter from the department chair confirming the appointment is also required.
View the RFA on proposalCentral for complete eligibility requirements.
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