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OREF/AAOS Clinical Gaps Research Grant


RFA Release Date - 3/19/2025      LOI Deadline - N/A      Application Deadline - 6/17/2025

Grant Details

Solicits investigator-initiated research proposals focused on addressing clinical gaps in healing, repair, or diagnostics through devices, biologics, or technology. Areas of research focus may include translational preclinical or clinical research to preferably include pilot human studies.

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Applications may be submitted by non-profit, public, and private institutions of higher education such as hospitals, medical schools, universities, and colleges in the United States. OREF requires that an orthopaedic surgeon serve as principal investigator (PI) or Co-PI. The orthopaedic surgeon must be licensed to practice in the U. S. and be working in an institution in the U.S. with active clinical practice. The Principal Investigator is required to be a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). A PhD, DVM or other qualified researcher may serve as a Co-PI, but should hold a faculty appointment in an orthopaedic department at an institution in the U.S

View the RFA on proposalCentral for complete eligibility requirements.

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