OREF Prevention of Musculoskeletal Youth Sports Injuries Research Grant in Honor of James Andrews, MD
RFA Release Date - 11/9/2023 LOI Deadline - N/A Application Deadline - 2/8/2024
Grant Details
Provides startup funding or seed money for a new investigator conducting clinical and/or social research on the prevention of musculoskeletal youth sports injuries
Applications may be submitted by domestic and Canadian, non-profit, public and private institutions of higher education, such as hospitals, medical schools, universities, and colleges. An orthopaedic surgeon licensed to practice in the United States may serve as Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI. Multidisciplinary research activity is always encouraged. PhDs and DVMs may serve as the principal investigator (PI) if S/he has a primary or secondary faculty appointment in an orthopaedic department.
View the RFA on proposalCentral for complete eligibility requirements.
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