OREF Resident Clinician Scientist Training Grant
RFA Release Date - 3/19/2025 LOI Deadline - 4/17/2025 Application Deadline - 6/17/2025
Grant Details
Prepares residents for a career with research as a major component.
Please note: ProposalCentral now requires applicants to log in to view grant opportunities.
The resident applicant (PI) must be an orthopaedic surgery resident or fellow in an approved orthopaedic program in the United States, who intends to pursue a career with research as a major component. The work should clearly be achievable by the resident as a free-standing project even when it is a part of a larger work, and it should potentially lead to publication with the resident as an author. Applications may be submitted by domestic non-profit, public and private institutions of higher education, such as hospitals, medical schools, universities, and colleges.
View the RFA on proposalCentral for complete eligibility requirements.
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