Welcome to the OREF Newsroom where you'll find news and announcements by and about OREF. Contact our Communications team with questions or media requests.
Karen Pubentz
Vice President, Communications
Amy Kile
Marketing Communications Manager
Stephanie Vazquez
Marketing Communications Specialist
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Attend CCJR 2024
Current Concepts in Joint Replacement® (CCJR®) is a premier educational event, and a not-to-be-missed global arthroplasty forum presented by two esteemed academic organizations: The Hip Society and The Knee Society.
CCJR® offers a unique learning format that has contributed to the education of thousands of orthopaedic surgeons around the world over the last three decades. CCJR® faculty consist of contemporary thought leaders discussing topics related to hip and knee arthroplasty.
The next CCJR event will be held December 11-14, 2024. Registration opens in June at www.ccjr.com.
Watch this video to see all CCJR has to offer.
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Orthopaedic Partner News
OREF is pleased to share news from our orthopaedic partners.
Attend CCJR 2024
Current Concepts in Joint Replacement® (CCJR®) is a premier educational event, and a not-to-be-missed global arthroplasty forum presented by two esteemed academic organizations: The Hip Society and The Knee Society.
CCJR® offers a unique learning format that has contributed to the education of thousands of orthopaedic surgeons around the world over the last three decades. CCJR® faculty consist of contemporary thought leaders discussing topics related to hip and knee arthroplasty.
The next CCJR event will be held December 11-14, 2024. Registration opens in June at www.ccjr.com.
Watch this video to see all CCJR has to offer.
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