Apply for $500,000+ in new research funding

Applications are now available for the OREF Career Development Grant, a new OREF/RJOS DEI-focused grant and more
07-11-2024 | Updated: 7-11-2024

OREF is pleased to announce the availability of $520,000 in new funding opportunities. Grant applications are now available for Career Development, New Investigator and OREF/RJOS Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Disparities in Orthopaedic Health Care research. Grants from $50,000 to $300,000 are available to eligible applicants. The $20,000 OREF Mentored Clinician Scientist Award is also available. View the Request for Applications (RFAs) for complete eligibility requirements and instructions.

OREF Signature Grants
These longstanding programs are at the heart of OREF’s commitment to supporting investigators throughout their careers. Investigators from residency to those who’ve made a commitment to scientific research are encouraged to apply.

  • The $20,000 Mentored Clinician Scientist Award allows investigators to spend dedicated time in research for a period of up to five years. The applicant must demonstrate success in research by receiving extramural research funding under one or more K08 or K23 awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), or an equivalent funding source.

Please note that Letters of Intent (LOI) must be completed for the following grants. All properly submitted LOI will be reviewed by the OREF Research Grants Committee. If your LOI is selected to advance, you will be invited to complete a full proposal. Letters of Intent are due August 12, 2024.

  • Career Development Grant provides $300,000 in funding over three years to encourage investigators to commit to scientific research. Research may be basic, translational, clinical and/or health services.
  • New Investigator Grant provides $50,000 to advance the scientific training of the next generation of orthopaedic physician-scientists with seed and start-up funding for promising research projects. Residents, fellows, and orthopaedic surgeons having completed formal training within the last four years may apply.

Diversity Research Funding Opportunity

Please note that Letters of Intent (LOI) must be completed for this grant. All properly submitted LOI will be reviewed by the OREF Research Grants Committee. If your LOI is selected to advance, you will be invited to complete a full proposal. Letters of Intent are due August 12, 2024.

  • OREF/RJOS Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Disparities in Orthopaedic Health Care Research Grant provides $150,000 to stimulate clinical research and provide funding for promising studies to find solutions to problems of diversity, equity, inclusion, and disparities in orthopaedics. OREF gratefully acknowledges funding support for this grant from the Zimmer Biomet Foundation.

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